Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Big Business, Big Brother

In “1984” the government watches over every citizen through the thought police and the telescreen, I see a very eerie similarity in our world with government surveillance they talk so much about in the video “Big Business, Big Brother.” I can see increasing surveillance in places such as casinos, banks, even retail stores for security purposes due to theft, cheating, etc. but when the government places cameras along public beaches I start to wonder when are we not being watched. Another example of us being constantly kept by the government is the use of our cell phones. I think keeping records is good for not only the company but also law enforcement investigations, but when that information is available on the internet things start to cross the line. These days it is hard for any one thing in this world to be kept private and not be found on the internet somewhere.
I felt most threatened by NORA because this is a program that strips us as citizens of any privacy to look and see the people we come in contact with. The program seems to be a good idea and started for the right reasons but that’s the thing, who is there to make sure these types of programs are being used correctly and not abused; “Who’s going to watch the watchers?” (Big Business, Big Brother). The other example I felt uneasy about is Matrix. All the programs seem to go hand in hand that they are taking a complete look at one’s life without and limitations. I guess I don’t mind if my information is there for the government to have but what I am scared of is how will I ever know if the wrong person is taking a look at it. The MATRIX program was referred to as “A database filled with information of everyday innocent people” which brings up the point how do they know they have the right person and not digging into an innocent by standards life.
I like the idea of Biometrics, I think it is a great way to increase security for going through places such as an airport. It isn’t something that can be forged such as a fake I.D.; Biometrics scans your physical features, your finger prints, skin texture and even eye identification. It is something I find could be very useful to security around the country in preventing terrorism.