Monday, September 8, 2008

Summer Readings

The reading I liked the most was Lord of the Flies for many different reasons. The book started out slow, but as I read on I couldn't put the book down. Besides the book being intresting I thought I could relate to Lord of the Flies a lot more than White Fang because the main characters were kids and I could see why they've done some of the things such as wanting to hunt, swim, and just relax instead of building shelters and being responsible for a fire signal. What I found most interesting was how the kids had social problems on the island between them, the rest of the world had a huge social problem of their own. In terms of our topic whether or not if mankind is inherently evil I could see the message of Lord of the Flies how it seemed Jack and his tribe were just evil at heart where as Ralph and Piggy were drawn in by the rest of the guys. White Fang was hard for me to stay focused I just didn't find it that interesting just because the whole storyline wasn't the most exciting whereas Lord of the Flies was very suspenseful towards the end. It was also because White Fang was harder to see the message and to relate to because the main characters were wolves. All in all Lord of the Flies was just a more exciting book to read than White Fang.

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