Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Inherit the Wind Blog

“Inherit the Wind” is about a man that had ideas, ideas that were different from their ordinary everyday life. This man (Cates) had to stand up for what he believed in even though majority believed he was wrong. I believe standing up for what we believe in is obviously timeless and universal. There is always going to be a few individuals who stand up for what they believe in and make our world a better place because they chose to do so.
Through reading the play and thinking about standing up for ourselves the first person that came to mind was Rosa Parks. On December 1, 1955 Parks refused to give her front bus seat up to a white man even though African Americans were supposed to sit in the back of the bus. She was sick of the degrading treatment she and many others received, "Our mistreatment was just not right, and I was tired of it" (Parks’ recent book, Quiet Strength, 1994). She believed she was to be treated right and for her it came down to a bus seat, but little did she know with that small act it moved millions. Without these few individuals like Mrs. Parks who stood up for what she believed in who knows where we would stand today.

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