Tuesday, December 9, 2008

N-word Blog

“Observers have made strong claims on behalf of the special status of nigger as a racial insult. The journalist Farai Chideya describes it as “the all-American trump card, l the nuclear bomb of racial epithets.” The writer Andrew Hacker has asserted that among slurs of any sort, nigger stands alone [in] its power to tear at one’s insides.” “And prosecutor Christopher Darden famously branded nigger the “filthiest, dirtiest, nastiest word in the English language” – (Pg/22-23).

I agree with Mr. Darden when he says the N-word is the “filthiest” word in the English language, but it is not because of the history this word is a disgust to many, there can only be one thing to blame and that blame should be put on all of us. When this topic is brought up about the N-word being so terrible I wonder what happen to other slurs such as gay, retarded, homo etc. and how we let them go by without turning our head. It is said that is because the N-word is so much more powerful (Ex: Boston Public) but whose fault is that. We are the only ones to blame for the word becoming a cultural disaster. No matter if we try to cover it up the N-word will always be there so why not embrace the word, by talking about it among classmates, workers, friends etc.; I believe by openly talking about the subject more than just on special occasions will bring about a better meaning to the word than just a racial slur that “tear(s) at one’s side.”

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