Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Prince

After reading I don’t see how Machiavelli would be associated with “evil”, I didn’t think there was evil to this book; it seems just informational about the different type of Princedoms and what it takes to be prince. The only “evil I could find after thinking of the theme evil in every possible way is thinking of evil metaphorically. “For since men who are well treated by one whom they expected to treat them ill, feel the more beholden to their benefactor, the people will at once become better disposed to such a Prince when he protects them, than if he owed his Princedom to them” (Pg/25). When I reread over this passage I thought of the “evil” in politics; sort of the “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” theory, doing deeds for one another behind closed doors.
Today it is almost obvious to anyone to see how corrupt and devious politics are these days and the passage mentioned before is a perfect example to the deceiving faces we see in high official offices. In another class we just talked about the conferences on the other night and how when they say they want our money to aid education there was a good point brought up, “how can money get Tony to do his homework every night?” well it really can’t. So what can we be sure of when we give our money to politicians for education, it’s near impossible to say the money is really going to help education for kids.

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