Thursday, April 30, 2009

1984 Blog 1

Newspeak takes away the individual thought process so people cant think for themselves. It takes away antonyms and synonyms so people cant rebel against the Party. It relates a lot to “Brave New World” as how the government is trying to take away individuality so the people cant think for themselves and they wont cause any problems or be any sort of threat to the Party. First example is how Bush said we were going to war to take away the nuclear weapons Iraq supposedly had seemed as it was a pointless reason for us to go to war on terrorism because as we all know there wasn’t any nuclear weapons found. Another example is when Dave Obey came to our school and when questions were asked by students and it didn’t seem he knew the answers he would play off words and other ideas to make it seem as though he was answering the question when truly he wasn’t answering at all.

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