Monday, April 6, 2009

Brave New World #1

Bernard stands out among the other two Helmholtz and John mostly because he seems to be a major character. It is sort of hard to tell with Bernard; we can see he doesn’t believe in the lifestyle of the people around him for example when he holds his ground and will not touch the soma but then there are few occurrences where he seems to give in at the most random times such as after his day out with Lenina. Bernard seems to understand what seems wrong with the World State is that it is a disguise or a false sense of happiness almost as if everyone is just covering up the pains in life along with other emotional troubles.
Soma plays a big roll in this society, it is the drug almost everyone uses to be happy and free of pain or sorrow. This is the ideal happiness in this society but what only few seem to understand such as Bernard this happiness is just a cover up of the truth. By taking the drug soma one is impaired to think for himself as if he gives up his individuality to become so-called happy and content with life.
The connection to ecstasy is like hitting the nail on the head. The video in class made the connection even more clear that ecstasy is a drug used to calm one’s self and to let free of stress, pain and sorrow. When interviewed some people at a party they said ecstasy enabled them to open up in ways they cannot when they are sober. To me personally that is a bunch of bologna because how can we be sure of anything coming from a person high on drugs. In the book soma is meant for almost exactly the same exact thing, but the difference that comes to my mind isn't straight forward in the story, I believe soma is a drug their government promotes the use of so that people are unable to get wise and think for themselves. One can do what he wishes with all the brainwashed people who are content with whatever is given to them and no one to even think of speaking out against it.

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