Monday, November 24, 2008


I believe with Socrates on the argument; it seems I can make more of a connection with him and how he stays true to the law instead of Crito trying to free Socrates just for his own reputation. “But why, my dear Crito, should we care about the opinion of the many? Good men, and they are the only persons who are worth considering, will think of these things truly as they occurred” – Socrates (Pg/43). Socrates brings up a good point that is not only pertains to his situation but to everyone everyday; he says we should not care what people think because most of them do not know.
The “Law and Justice” packet was all about doing what we as citizens believe in but respecting the law while doing so. In the “Crito” Socrates makes a very good case that is an example of law and justice by abiding by respecting the law even if it may be unjust, whereas Crito wants to free Socrates because he believes something must be done about the unjust law. It makes a very similar connection about having our own morals as does Socrates in which he can not go back on his word and take death over exile.

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