Sunday, November 16, 2008

Plato - Apology

Let me relate to you a passage of my own life which will prove to you that I should never have yielded to injustice from any fear of death that is “as I should have refused to yield” I must have died at once. –Socrates (Pg/24)

This small passage was highlighted in my eyes as I read through the “Apology”. Socrates is saying that he should never have hesitated to do what he believes in only because he feared in death because it may have been unjust. Taking into consideration how it is interpreted in the dialogue I feel I can relate to exactly what he said but in a different context. I am trying to say I can related to the underlined “as I should have refused to yield” part of the passage. It reminds me of all the times I took those risks to do something and those times I didn’t take chances that were there because I thought it wasn’t a smart idea. The one reason I chose this passage it because it reminded me of something my grandmother told me once, “You’ll never know if you don’t take the chance.” It has been my life motto ever since because she was absolutely right, if we “yield” to the things we believe in or the chances that are in front of us we will never know what could have been if we don’t try. I try to take that into every decision I make, what type of life do we live if we don’t live every moment to the fullest.

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